
This documentation for the Custom post types plugin for WordPress allows you to customize all features.

To get professional support you need to make a donation to get the PRO version of the plugin.

Old version of this awesome plugin.

Create post type & taxonomy

Create custom fields

Create custom template

Post types hooks

Manipulate the labels:

add_filter("cpt_register_labels_{POST-TYPE-ID}", function($labels){
    // manipulates the $labels
    return $labels;

Manipulate the args:

add_filter("cpt_register_args_{POST-TYPE-ID}", function($args){
    // manipulates the $args
    return $args;

For details on on this manipulation, visit the official WordPress documentation.

Taxonomies hooks

Manipulate the labels:

add_filter("cpt_register_tax_labels_{TAX-ID}", function($labels){
    // manipulates the $labels
    return $labels;

Manipulate the args:

add_filter("cpt_register_tax_args_{TAX-ID}", function($args){
    // manipulates the $args
    return $args;

For details on on this manipulation, visit the official WordPress documentation.

Fields hooks

Add custom field support:

add_filter('cpt_available_fields', function ($available_fields) {
    $available_fields['text'] = [
        'label' => __('Text', 'custom-post-types'),
        'fields' => [ // extra fields
                'key' => 'placeholder',
                'label' => __('Placeholder', 'custom-post-types'),
                'info' => false,
                'required' => false,
                'type' => 'text',
                'extra' => [],
                'wrap' => [
                    'width' => '',
                    'class' => '',
                    'id' => '',
                    'layout' => ''
    return $available_fields;

In the example above the “text” field type support is added.

Manipulate the output of a custom field by type:

add_filter("cpt_get_field_type_{FIELD-TYPE}", function($output, $value, $post_type, $post_id){
    // manipulates the $output
    return $output;
}, 10, 4);

Manipulate the output of a custom field by id:

add_filter("cpt_get_field_{FIELD-ID}", function($output, $value, $post_type, $post_id){
    // manipulates the $output
    return $output;
}, 10, 4);

Manipulate the entered value of the custom field before saving:

add_filter("cpt_sanitize_field_{FIELD-TYPE}", function($input){
    // manipulates the $input
    return $input;

Templates hooks

Add blank template support to wrap type for your theme:

add_filter('cpt_themes_supports_rules', function ($supports_rules) {
    $supports_rules['twentytwenty'] = [
        'file-name' => 'singular.php',
        'replace-callback' => function ($content_to_replace) {
            $content_to_replace = str_replace("get_template_part( 'template-parts/content', get_post_type() )", 'custom_post_types_get_custom_template()', $content_to_replace);
            return $content_to_replace;
    return $supports_rules;

In the example above the “Twenty Twenty” theme support is added, the necessary data are: theme folder name, path to the single template (file-name), callback to replace the default loop with the plugin function (replace-callback).

Settings fields

To avoid overwriting important settings that could damage your website database, the custom fields on the settings pages are stored by adding a suffix to the key.

For example, if you have created a field in the “Settings > General” page using the “text_field” key, you can retrieve that value using:

$field_value = get_option('general-text_field');

The prefixes to use based on where the custom field group has been assigned:

  • general
  • writing-
  • reading-
  • discussion-
  • media-

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