WebP Images
This documentation for the WebP Images plugin for WordPress allows you to customize all features.
To get professional support you need to make a donation to get the PRO version of the plugin.
Time between conversions
Add this code in your functions.php file to change the wait time between conversion groups. (Default 10)
function edit_time_between_conversion_group($time_in_seconds){
$time_in_seconds = 10; // Edit this value to increase/decrease the waiting time
return $time_in_seconds;
Conversion group size
Add this code in your functions.php file to change the maximum number of images per conversion group. (Default 10)
function edit_max_images_per_group($images_per_group){
$images_per_group = 20; // Edit this value to increase/decrease max images per group
return $images_per_group;